Bajigur, Hybrid Magazine

7 Desember 2009

There’s more!

A graphic design magazine that is very typical of Indonesia! They combine the cultural values and graphic design applicable in Indonesia. And this time, to read the entire contents of the magazine does not need to spend any money (except when accessing it through Internet cafés). You only need to download it directly from their website. Baca entri selengkapnya »

It’s strange that this one profession. Photography no longer ‘beautify’ animate or inanimate objects that are outside or inside the room, but also activities that are not aware where all human beings do every day … shower. Baca entri selengkapnya »
Walking around the gramedia Depok bookstore, accidentally glance at the book entitled “50 robots to draw and paint“. Desire and curiosity in the field of 2D art hit me. Baca entri selengkapnya »
Hisashi Tenmyouya initially was a graphic designer. Then he scraped his fate as a skilled painter combines traditional Japanese art with contemporary elements. He calls this visual style as the Neo-Nihonga. Baca entri selengkapnya »

When thinking of Japan, most of us agree that Japan attached to the culture of hard work. Including Concept’s Creative team. Then the question arises: what kind of design illustration that reflect Japanese hard work culture, because the creative team intended to make their own Concept’s design concept. But fate would seem different. Accidentally, Concept team “met” with one of the contemporary Japanese artist, Hisashi Tenmyouya. One of his work entitled “Archery”, made in 2008, enough to steal the show. In addition to the striking color, personal character in the painting is just click with the concept sought by Concept.
Short story, Concept contacted to ask permission from Tenmyouya to display this work as a Concept cover material. Without hesitation, Tenmyouya agree. Not too long after Concept obtained high resolution material from this ex-graphic designer, plus a brief description of the work which he said is the most special work for him.
Tenmyouya explain this one work to adapt the early days of a man who was about to release an arrow at the enemy. The human spirit and human children mind who have been tireless that radiated through aura of the characters represented by a dragon. This ex Graphic designer painter added that his creation expression of that characters look like a vertical sculpture of a holy priest named Kuya. The statue was reciting a series of marmur from his mouth. According Tenmyouya, describes the invisible subject like the word and the aura is a very Japanese elements.
In the process, he spent up to 20 days to complete this work with 13 hours of work per day. As a result, his hands were stiff with pain that needs to be compressed. Though he never experienced anything like this before. So, certainly not an overstatement if Concept choose to fill the Concept’s cover archive, because this work was produced from the hard work of a Japanese artist. Ganbatte!!!

source: CONCEPT magz-vol06-ed32-2009

Terkadang kita pernah mendengar suatu kata yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata bernama ‘Elegan’. Tapi apakah arti dari kata ‘Elegan’ itu sendiri?

Banyak orang mengatakan elegan itu adalah sesuatu yang ‘wah’, sesuatu yang ‘simple’, sesuatu yang ‘sempurna’. Sampai saat ini pun bila Anda bertanya pada diri sendiri, saya yakin Anda tak dapat menjawabnya dengan tepat dan sangat yakin dengan jawaban Anda sendiri… (karena saya sendiripun begitu). Namun saya tak akan membuat tulisan ini menjadi tak berarti hanya karena saya sendiri tidak mengetahuinya secara pasti. Baca entri selengkapnya »